Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chapter 19

Chapter 19:
174: Farid’s family is very impoverished and they have been through many hard times. Two daughters of Farid's seven children were killed by a land mine, a disaster which mutilated three fingers on his left hand and also took some of his toes. He is bitter because he doesn’t think Amir really understands what has happened to the country and he has been through so much.
175: Farid is rude to Amir because Amir thinks he knows what has really happened in Kabul. But he really doesn’t, since it is much more serious then he thinks.
176: Amir had to: exchange dollars for Kadar and Afghani bills, find a artificial beard, get a garment ( pakol) all to prepare to go to Afghanistan.  
177: Amir wanted to leave as soon as possible so he would not change his mind about going to get Sohrab.
178: Everything had changed about the country since Amir had last been there. He felt like it was a whole new country because it had changed so much. He wasn’t familiar with it. Farid responds with the question of how Amir still referred to it as “his country”. Farid is curious of how it was still his country if he hadn’t been there through the horrible times.
179: Farid and his brother argue about how Farid assumes Amir is there to sell the land of his fathers and get the money and go back home. Farid’s brother defends him and tells Farid to mind his manners in his house. This shows that Farid is more critical and un compassionate and that Wahid cares about manners and being kind to guests.
180: Amir tells the men why he really is in Afghanistan. They both decide he is an honorable man and that they are proud to have him staying with them. Farid decides later that he was wrong to assume about why Amir was in Afghanistan.
181: Amir cringes because he believes that he is really not an honorable man for all the sin and wrong he had done towards Hassan. And that this one act didn’t make him honorable.
182: The boys’ eyes were glued to the watch throughout the dinner. But when Amir gives the watch to the boys they are shy and muter thank yous as if they are ashamed they had eyed it. They look at it for a while but then lose interest. Showing that while things may be wanted at first, you will lost interest.
** I don’t know if this is right.
183: The nightmare that Amir has is of Hassan’s murder in the streets. And that he is the man murdering him. Amir is blaming himself for Hassan’s death in this dream.
184: Amir shoves a wad of cash under the mattress of the family. This shows that he is turning into a very compassionate caring man.

-Meghan =)

1 comment:

  1. 182. The boys are actually eyeing the food Amir is eating and not the watch.
