Monday, October 25, 2010

Chapter 8

66. After the attack, Hassan was no longer himself. He avoided contact with everyone including Amir. Amir would wake up in the morning and find everything already done. His clothes folded and breakfast made.

67. Ali tells Amir that when Hassan came home after the kite tournament, Hassan shirt was torn and he was bloody. He asked Amir if Hassan was keeping something from him. Amir didn't tell him what happened though. Amir told Ali he had no idea what happened to him.

68. A) While in Jalalabad when everyone is sleeping, Amir whispers that he saw Hassan get raped. He feels so guilty that at this point he kind of wants someone else to know. This moment is when his insomnia begins.
B) Amir is first excited to go to Jalalabad because he thinks that it will be just him and his dad, Baba. Then Baba asks if Hassan wants to go which hurts Amir's feelings so Amir tells Baba that Hassan is sick. Later he learns Baba invited two dozen other people which again bums him out.

69. Like I mentioned in the previous question Amir says that he saw Hassan being raped aloud. Yet no one years him. This scene is significant because he feels more and more guilty throughout the book and this is where his insomnia begins.

70. Amir is upset when he sees the pomegranate tree because it has their intials carved into the trunk. This of course brings back his guilt and Amir feels the need to return home immediately.

71. When Hassan asked Amir what he had done wrong Amir told him to stop harassing him. After that Hassan kept his distance.

72. Amir is upset with Hassan loyalty for obvious reasons. Amir is overwhelmed with guilt and the fact that Hassan is still a good friend to him after everything just makes Amir feel even more guilty.

73. Amir asks Baba if he would consider getting new servants. Of course Baba explodes. Baba goes on to say that Ali and Hassan are family and that where they live is their home as well.

74. Amir and Hassan go back out to the pomegranate tree one day and Amir immediately throws one at Hassan. Amir is trying to get Hassan to throw one back at him. He thinks if Hassan hits him with a pomegranate that maybe he won't feel as guilty. Instead Hassan breaks one open and cracks it on his own head.

75. Baba invited several people to Amir's 13th birthday party. He sees Assef there which upsets him. Also he is upset when he sees Hassan serving them. However, Amir feels better when he receives a notebook from Rahim Kahn. The gift makes him feel more understood and accepted.

76. Rahim Kahn tells Amir a story about how he had met a wonderful girl that he wanted to marry but she was a Hazara so his family couldn't accept her. Eventually they were separated but Rahim Kahn was ultimately glad it happened because they would never have been truely happy. Rahim Kahn is trying to let Amir know he can confide in him.

77. Amir almost tells Rahim Kahn about the attack on Hassan because he feels comfortable with him but then feels to ashamed to tell him the truth. He doesn't want to be viewed in a bad light expecialy by someone he can connect with.

78. Amir is upset in the flickering light because the little amount of light provided allowed him to see Hassan serving drinks to Assef. Then he sees Assef playfully punch Hassan in the chest. Before he saw anything else the light faded.

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